Army COOL Credentialing Assistance (CA) Major Update
Credentialing Assistance (CA) Policy Changes Effective 11 DEC 24
- The Fiscal Year (FY) annual cap has decreased from $4,000 to $2,000. (There is still a shared cap between Tuition and Credentialing Assistance programs. The cap has increased to $4,500.)
- Credentials are limited to one per FY.
- Recertifications do not count towards the FY limit.
- CA usage will be capped at three credentials per ten years of service. This is retroactive based on BASD.
- First-time CA users must complete standardized ArmyIgnitED training provided by the CA Virtual Counseling Cell and must use the MilGears decision support tool prior to requesting CA for the first time.
- Soldiers are now required to take the exam associated with the Credential training.
Additional updates to policy will follow with the publication of AR 621-5 later this FY.
For assistance, Soldiers should contact the CA Virtual Counseling Cell or visit their local Army Education Center.