The Army Credentialing Assistance (CA) Program pays for courses and exams that lead to industry-recognized civilian credentials in an occupational area of your choice. You may use this program to enhance your skills, either in your current MOS, or in an occupation you would like to pursue when you leave military service. You can request CA funding for any credential listed on Army COOL.
CA can be authorized for the payment of
- expenses for classroom
- hands-on, or online/blended training and courses
- materials
- manuals
- study guides
- textbooks
- processing fees
- test fees
- and other expenses related to the attainment or recertification of credentials.
Study materials and training courses are covered by Army COOL.
There are two comprehensive options to prepare for the certification exam:
- An in-person skill training course for units (Vendor: Pose Tech Corp. This option is not covered by Army COOL, contact your unit leader to schedule via our military liaison)
- An online master course for individuals (Vendor: Pose Tech Corp. This option is covered by Army COOL)
The online master course is also approved for 20 Continuing Education hours for Physical Therapists and Athletic Trainers.
10 Promotion Points
Star Credential
MOS + ASI Related
Watch the step by step guide below on how to request funding for the Pose Method of Running skill training published in the US Army Holistic Health And Fitness Field Manual (FM 7-22) and Holistic Health And Fitness Drills And Exercises Army Techniques Publications (ATP 7-22.02).
The Certified Running Technique Specialist (Pose Method) credential is aligned with the Soldier Common Core (MOS) and P5 Master Fitness Trainer (ASI). The Pose Method of Running courses have been taught and used by the military since 2008.
Questions? Contact us for assistance.
Eligible for Credentialing Assistance
This credential – Certified Running Technique Specialist (Pose Method) – is eligible for CA (Credentialing Assistance)
Military Service Obligation
Service Obligation (Enlisted): None
Service Obligation (Commissioned Officers): None
The service obligation for the CA program has been removed. This applies to all CA requests submitted and/or completed on or after 13 October 2021. CA request end date in ArmyIgnitED must reflect a date of 13 October 2021 or after.
CA requests completed prior to 13 October 2021 must still complete the applicable service obligation incurred at that time; Regular Army, AGR, and mobilized commissioned officers (under Title 10 or Title 32 authority) incur an Additional Duty Service Obligation (ADSO) of two years and Reserve Component officers (USAR and ARNG) incur a Reserve Duty Service Obligation (RDSO) of four years. The CA military service obligation commences on the ending date of each course for which CA was approved.
To learn more, read the complete Memorandum: Updates to Army Credentialing Assistance Policy
Promotion Points
Certification Exam = 10 promotion points
In a continuing effort to improve the enlisted promotion system, the Army G1 has approved the initiative to award promotion points for certifications to Soldiers competing for promotion to Sergeant and Staff Sergeant. Click here to read more.
How Promotion Points are Awarded
- Ten promotion points for each civilian certification
- Promotion points will be awarded under civilian education on the DA Form 3355
- The original certification documents must be presented to the promotion work center prior to the awarding of promotion points.
Does the Credential Need to be Related to Your MOS or AOC?
All eligible Soldiers (enlisted, warrant officer, and officer) may use CA to earn any credential listed on COOL, even if it is not related to your MOS or AOC.
Approved Funding Programs
Army – Active Credentialing Assistance
Active duty Army enlisted members, or reservists and National Guard members on title 10 or title 32 orders respective. The Army COOL office will determine institution acceptance. This program pays for credentials that complement the student’s Army career.
Army – Reserve Credentialing Assistance
Active duty Army enlisted members, or reservists and National Guard members on title 10 or title 32 orders respective. The Army COOL office will determine institution acceptance. This program pays for credentials that complement the student’s Army career.
Army – Guard Credentialing Assistance
Active duty Army enlisted members, or reservists and National Guard members on title 10 or title 32 orders respective. The Army COOL office will determine institution acceptance. This program pays for credentials that complement the student’s Army career.
Army – Civilian Training
ArmyIgnitED 2.0 is the training management system for Army Civilians to apply for funding in support of their training. Funding is available to Army Civilians to apply for competitive professional development training, education, and leader development events. This program pays for training that compliments the Civilian career.