Credentialing Assistance (CA) Policy Changes Effective 11 DEC 24

  1. The Fiscal Year (FY) annual cap has decreased from $4,000 to $2,000. (There is still a shared cap between Tuition and Credentialing Assistance programs. The cap has increased to $4,500.)
  2. Credentials are limited to one per FY.
  3. Recertifications do not count towards the FY limit.
  4. CA usage will be capped at three credentials per ten years of service. This is retroactive based on BASD.
  5. First-time CA users must complete standardized ArmyIgnitED training provided by the CA Virtual Counseling Cell and must use the MilGears decision support tool prior to requesting CA for the first time.
  6. Soldiers are now required to take the exam associated with the Credential training.

Additional updates to policy will follow with the publication of AR 621-5 later this FY.

For assistance, Soldiers should contact the CA Virtual Counseling Cell or visit their local Army Education Center.

The Certified Running Technique Specialist credential and Running Skill training are available on DOD COOL, and Army Ignited.


Running has always been part of military training. It is an essential activity that is part of virtually everything else soldiers must do on regular basis. And it's been known for years, that as an activity, running is also the most dangerous athletic movement solely due to the amount of injuries that soldiers sustain. More than 2 out of 3 injured soldiers face injuries from running. However, running itself is not the issue.


Soldiers are trained and taught how to do virtually every task, however, running, the activity directly responsible for an overwhelming majority of all military related musculoskeletal (MSK) injuries, is not taught as a skill.


Health and Holistic Fitness, or H2F is a big initiative by the Army to revamp training protocols. One of the major updates in the new doctrine is the addition of Running Skill (Pose Method) in FM 7-22 (Chapter 7).

Running Skill training is now available on demand, forcewide,  through the Army IgnitED program. Individual Soldiers can watch Pose Method running skill training videos online, and take an exam to become a certified instructor (technical certification, promotion points).

Questions? Contact us for assistance.


FY25 Credentialing Assistance (CA) Requests Guidance:

  • Soldiers may submit CA requests through ArmyIgnitED beginning 17 September 2024 for courses or exams that start on or after 1 November 2024 (not to exceed 90 days from submission).
  • FY25 requests are subject to the availability of funds.

If you have any questions, please contact Virtual CA Counselors at:

The Certified Running Technique Specialist credential and Running Skill training are available on DOD COOL, and Army Ignited.


Running has always been part of military training. It is an essential activity that is part of virtually everything else soldiers must do on regular basis. And it's been known for years, that as an activity, running is also the most dangerous athletic movement solely due to the amount of injuries that soldiers sustain. More than 2 out of 3 injured soldiers face injuries from running. However, running itself is not the issue.


Soldiers are trained and taught how to do virtually every task, however, running, the activity directly responsible for an overwhelming majority of all military related musculoskeletal (MSK) injuries, is not taught as a skill.


Health and Holistic Fitness, or H2F is a big initiative by the Army to revamp training protocols. One of the major updates in the new doctrine is the addition of Running Skill (Pose Method) in FM 7-22 (Chapter 7).

Running Skill training is now available on demand, forcewide,  through the Army IgnitED program. Individual Soldiers can watch Pose Method running skill training videos online, and take an exam to become a certified instructor (technical certification, promotion points).

Questions? Contact us for assistance.


FY24 Credentialing Assistance (CA) Requests Close-Out Requirements
IAW our annual FY close-out requirements, guidance for FY 24 CA requests follows:

  • Soldiers can continue to submit CA requests until 20:00 Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) 30 July 2024 through ArmyIgnitED for courses or exams that have start dates up to 13 September.
  • Soldiers will not have the ability to submit FY24 CA requests through ArmyIgnitED for start dates from 14-30 Sep.
  • Soldiers must submit CA requests through ArmyIgnitED at least 45 days prior to the start date of the course or exam.

If you have any questions, please contact Virtual CA Counselors at:

The Certified Running Technique Specialist credential and Running Skill training are available on DOD COOL, and Army Ignited.


Running has always been part of military training. It is an essential activity that is part of virtually everything else soldiers must do on regular basis. And it's been known for years, that as an activity, running is also the most dangerous athletic movement solely due to the amount of injuries that soldiers sustain. More than 2 out of 3 injured soldiers face injuries from running. However, running itself is not the issue.


Soldiers are trained and taught how to do virtually every task, however, running, the activity directly responsible for an overwhelming majority of all military related musculoskeletal (MSK) injuries, is not taught as a skill.


Health and Holistic Fitness, or H2F is a big initiative by the Army to revamp training protocols. One of the major updates in the new doctrine is the addition of Running Skill (Pose Method) in FM 7-22 (Chapter 7).

Running Skill training is now available on demand, forcewide,  through the Army IgnitED program. Individual Soldiers can watch Pose Method running skill training videos online, and take an exam to become a certified instructor (technical certification, promotion points).

Questions? Contact us for assistance.


The Pose Method Running is now an official part of the Army’s Holistic Health and Fitness Doctrine, also known as FM 7-22, Chapter 7. It is a solid, scientific approach to running. Developed by Nicholas S. Romanov in the late 1970s when he was teaching track and field in Russia, it doesn’t focus on footstrike of landing patterns. Instead, it teaches runners common elements in running mechanics and how to optimize them in such a way as to reduce musculoskeletal (MSK) injuries in running.

The Pose Method, which is used by Olympic athletes, derives its name from the concept that every sport has an identifiable position, or pose, which the athlete should operate within with minimal deviations in order to achieve optimal performance and to avoid injury.

Soldiers who pass the exam and earn their certificate will be able to use their training to help other Soldiers in their units. Staff Sergeant Brian Persina, 1st Battalion, 26th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), completed the training and is ready to share what he learned with others.

“I think it would benefit a lot of people, especially those that I know personally that struggle with their runs. I feel like I can take this back and help them improve,” Persina said. He has experienced less ankle pain after adopting the Pose Method Running technique.

Running injuries are an Army-wide problem. In April 2020, Maj. Gen. Lonnie G. Hibbard, commanding general of the U.S. Army Center for Initial Military Training, U.S. Army Training Doctrine Command said $557 million are spent annually to help Soldiers recover from running-related lower extremity overuse injuries.

[Click here to read full story.]


The Certified Running Technique Specialist credential and Running Skill training are available on DOD COOL, and Army Ignited.


Running has always been part of military training. It is an essential activity that is part of virtually everything else soldiers must do on regular basis. And it's been known for years, that as an activity, running is also the most dangerous athletic movement solely due to the amount of injuries that soldiers sustain. More than 2 out of 3 injured soldiers face injuries from running. However, running itself is not the issue.


Soldiers are trained and taught how to do virtually every task, however, running, the activity directly responsible for an overwhelming majority of all military related musculoskeletal (MSK) injuries, is not taught as a skill.


Health and Holistic Fitness, or H2F is a big initiative by the Army to revamp training protocols. One of the major updates in the new doctrine is the addition of Running Skill (Pose Method) in FM 7-22 (Chapter 7).

Running Skill training is now available on demand, forcewide,  through the Army IgnitED program. Individual Soldiers can watch Pose Method running skill training videos online, and take an exam to become a certified instructor (technical certification, promotion points).

Questions? Contact us for assistance.


Army Credentialing Assistance program provides $4,000/year per soldier. All Active Duty, Army National Guard, and United States Army Reserves of all ranks, Enlisted, Noncommissioned Officers, Officers and Warrant Officers qualify.

This means that every year, each soldier is provided with $4,000 USD in order to obtain credentials that will help further their careers and increase earning potential. While all CA requests are subject to the availability of funds, the chances of getting approved for CA funding are high if soldiers apply early in the fiscal year.

FY24 Credentialing Assistance (CA) guidance and dates:

  • Soldiers may submit CA requests through ArmyIgnitED beginning 7 Sep 2023 for courses or exams that start on or after 21 Oct 23 (not to exceed 90 days from submission).
  • Soldiers must submit CA requests through ArmyIgnitED at least 45 days prior to the start date of the course or exam.

If you have any questions, please contact Virtual CA Counselors at:

The Certified Running Technique Specialist credential and Running Skill training are available on DOD COOL, and Army Ignited.


Running has always been part of military training. It is an essential activity that is part of virtually everything else soldiers must do on regular basis. And it's been known for years, that as an activity, running is also the most dangerous athletic movement solely due to the amount of injuries that soldiers sustain. More than 2 out of 3 injured soldiers face injuries from running. However, running itself is not the issue.


Soldiers are trained and taught how to do virtually every task, however, running, the activity directly responsible for an overwhelming majority of all military related musculoskeletal (MSK) injuries, is not taught as a skill.


Health and Holistic Fitness, or H2F is a big initiative by the Army to revamp training protocols. One of the major updates in the new doctrine is the addition of Running Skill (Pose Method) in FM 7-22 (Chapter 7).

Running Skill training is now available on demand, forcewide,  through the Army IgnitED program. Individual Soldiers can watch Pose Method running skill training videos online, and take an exam to become a certified instructor (technical certification, promotion points).

Questions? Contact us for assistance.




Army Credentialing Assistance program provides $4,000/year per soldier. All Active Duty, Army National Guard, and United States Army Reserves of all ranks, Enlisted, Noncommissioned Officers, Officers and Warrant Officers qualify.

This means that every year, each soldier is provided with $4,000 USD in order to obtain credentials that will help further their careers and increase earning potential. While all CA requests are subject to the availability of funds, the chances of getting approved for CA funding are high if soldiers apply early in the fiscal year.

The dates for the Credentialing Assistance (CA) cut off for FY23 had been announced.  IAW the annual FY close-out requirements, guidance for FY 23 CA requests is as follows:

  1. Soldiers can continue to submit CA requests until 2359 EST 11 Aug 2023 through ArmyIgnitED for courses or exams that start in FY23 (through 30 Sep 23).
  2. FY23 CA requests submitted after 2359 EST 11 Aug 2023 will be rejected.
  3. Soldiers must submit CA requests through ArmyIgnitED at least 45 days prior to the start date of the course or exam.

If you have any questions, please contact Virtual CA Counselors at:

The Certified Running Technique Specialist credential and Running Skill training are available on DOD COOL, and Army Ignited.


Running has always been part of military training. It is an essential activity that is part of virtually everything else soldiers must do on regular basis. And it's been known for years, that as an activity, running is also the most dangerous athletic movement solely due to the amount of injuries that soldiers sustain. More than 2 out of 3 injured soldiers face injuries from running. However, running itself is not the issue.


Soldiers are trained and taught how to do virtually every task, however, running, the activity directly responsible for an overwhelming majority of all military related musculoskeletal (MSK) injuries, is not taught as a skill.


Health and Holistic Fitness, or H2F is a big initiative by the Army to revamp training protocols. One of the major updates in the new doctrine is the addition of Running Skill (Pose Method) in FM 7-22 (Chapter 7).

Running Skill training is now available on demand, forcewide,  through the Army IgnitED program. Individual Soldiers can watch Pose Method running skill training videos online, and take an exam to become a certified instructor (technical certification, promotion points).

Questions? Contact us for assistance.


Physical readiness training done right must include technique training prior to imposing a demand of performance on soldiers. And it now does thanks to the H2F initiative. Technique is the foundation of performance on any level, and most importantly, it is the most direct way to actually prevent movement related injuries.

…”When it came to physical readiness training, it was not the average PT session. With each workout, we focused on different muscle groups and did exercises tailored to every component of the ACFT. More importantly, we focused on correct weight lifting techniques and form, something that can easily be overlooked without proper training. Our fitness coach also showed us effective ways to row, bike and even run using the Pose method, which is a systematic approach to running in order to reduce injury.”

[ Click here to read full story. ]

The Certified Running Technique Specialist credential and Running Skill training are available on DOD COOL, and Army Ignited.


Running has always been part of military training. It is an essential activity that is part of virtually everything else soldiers must do on regular basis. And it's been known for years, that as an activity, running is also the most dangerous athletic movement solely due to the amount of injuries that soldiers sustain. More than 2 out of 3 injured soldiers face injuries from running. However, running itself is not the issue.


Soldiers are trained and taught how to do virtually every task, however, running, the activity directly responsible for an overwhelming majority of all military related musculoskeletal (MSK) injuries, is not taught as a skill.


Health and Holistic Fitness, or H2F is a big initiative by the Army to revamp training protocols. One of the major updates in the new doctrine is the addition of Running Skill (Pose Method) in FM 7-22 (Chapter 7).

Running Skill training is now available on demand, forcewide,  through the Army IgnitED program. Individual Soldiers can watch Pose Method running skill training videos online, and take an exam to become a certified instructor (technical certification, promotion points).

Questions? Contact us for assistance.


Brig. Gen. Mary V. Krueger, Commander of Regional Health Command-Atlantic, joined Blanchfield Army Community Hospital Soldiers for physical training during her battlefield tour August 31, 2022, at Fort Campbell, Kentucky. She also received instruction in the Pose Running method from Lt. Col. Angela Diebal-Lee, Deputy Commander for Readiness and Outlying Clinics at BACH.

Diebal-Lee’s research into running injuries like compartment syndrome, a lower leg injury common in runners, has been published in the American Journal of Sports Medicine, the International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy, and the Orthopedic Journal of Sports Medicine. Her commitment to Soldiers and proper running technique has also led her to be among the first in the US Army to get certified as a Running Technique Specialist.

[ Click here to read full story ]

The Certified Running Technique Specialist credential and Running Skill training are available on DOD COOL, and Army Ignited.


Running has always been part of military training. It is an essential activity that is part of virtually everything else soldiers must do on regular basis. And it's been known for years, that as an activity, running is also the most dangerous athletic movement solely due to the amount of injuries that soldiers sustain. More than 2 out of 3 injured soldiers face injuries from running. However, running itself is not the issue.


Soldiers are trained and taught how to do virtually every task, however, running, the activity directly responsible for an overwhelming majority of all military related musculoskeletal (MSK) injuries, is not taught as a skill.


Health and Holistic Fitness, or H2F is a big initiative by the Army to revamp training protocols. One of the major updates in the new doctrine is the addition of Running Skill (Pose Method) in FM 7-22 (Chapter 7).

Running Skill training is now available on demand, forcewide,  through the Army IgnitED program. Individual Soldiers can watch Pose Method running skill training videos online, and take an exam to become a certified instructor (technical certification, promotion points).

Questions? Contact us for assistance.


Lieutenant Colonel Angela Diebal-Lee, Blanchfield Army Community Hospital physical therapist, helps Soldiers recover from running injuries while bettering their physical fitness performance.

Diebal-Lee’s research and collaboration with others have not only resulted in fewer running injuries across the Army but has also been published in various medical journals. Specifically, research into running injuries like compartment syndrome, a lower leg injury common in runners, has been published in the American Journal of Sports Medicine, the International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy, and the Orthopedic Journal of Sports Medicine. Her commitment to Soldiers and proper running technique has also led her to be among the first in the US Army to get certified as a Running Technique Specialist.

[ Click here to read full story. ]


The Certified Running Technique Specialist credential and Running Skill training are available on DOD COOL, and Army Ignited.


Running has always been part of military training. It is an essential activity that is part of virtually everything else soldiers must do on regular basis. And it's been known for years, that as an activity, running is also the most dangerous athletic movement solely due to the amount of injuries that soldiers sustain. More than 2 out of 3 injured soldiers face injuries from running. However, running itself is not the issue.


Soldiers are trained and taught how to do virtually every task, however, running, the activity directly responsible for an overwhelming majority of all military related musculoskeletal (MSK) injuries, is not taught as a skill.


Health and Holistic Fitness, or H2F is a big initiative by the Army to revamp training protocols. One of the major updates in the new doctrine is the addition of Running Skill (Pose Method) in FM 7-22 (Chapter 7).

Running Skill training is now available on demand, forcewide,  through the Army IgnitED program. Individual Soldiers can watch Pose Method running skill training videos online, and take an exam to become a certified instructor (technical certification, promotion points).

Questions? Contact us for assistance.


Pose Method of Running Training Course graduate, Mike Tribble, helps raise ACFT scores by showing soldiers how to practice efficient running technique. In 2018, Mike Tribble, a former 10th Mountain Division (LI) Soldier, participated in a Pose Method of Running training course conducted by COL David Feltwell. The training course inspired Tribble to pursue the Certified Running Technique Specialist credential in order to be able to help others.

[ Click here to read full story. ]

The Certified Running Technique Specialist credential and Running Skill training are available on DOD COOL, and Army Ignited.


Running has always been part of military training. It is an essential activity that is part of virtually everything else soldiers must do on regular basis. And it's been known for years, that as an activity, running is also the most dangerous athletic movement solely due to the amount of injuries that soldiers sustain. More than 2 out of 3 injured soldiers face injuries from running. However, running itself is not the issue.


Soldiers are trained and taught how to do virtually every task, however, running, the activity directly responsible for an overwhelming majority of all military related musculoskeletal (MSK) injuries, is not taught as a skill.


Health and Holistic Fitness, or H2F is a big initiative by the Army to revamp training protocols. One of the major updates in the new doctrine is the addition of Running Skill (Pose Method) in FM 7-22 (Chapter 7).

Running Skill training is now available on demand, forcewide,  through the Army IgnitED program. Individual Soldiers can watch Pose Method running skill training videos online, and take an exam to become a certified instructor (technical certification, promotion points).

Questions? Contact us for assistance.