Running Skill Training For the Military
Running Skill Training For the Military
“We don’t rise to the level of our expectations, we fall to the level of our training.”
– Archilochos
The Certified Running Technique Specialist credential and related skill training is available on DOD COOL. Click here to learn more about the available funding for each military branch.
The demands imposed by Army training are unique. Running is a critical component of health and fitness and is a mandatory requirement under the physical readiness domain. Running skill development plays a key role in optimal physical function and injury prevention. The integration of basic movement concepts can also improve the overall performance of the individual Soldier.
Running skill development can reduce impact on knees by up to 50% (Arendse, 2004) and running technique is an important component of running economy and performance (Folland, 2017).
Running Skill is not officially taught at any stage of training throughout a service member’s career. Running injuries are a big problem in the Army, costing 577 million per year, and more than 2 out of 3 injured soldiers face injuries from running. Training service members in Running Skill retroactively (after Basic Training or AIT) has not been a feasible option until now.
Health and Holistic Fitness, or H2F is a big initiative by the Army to revamp training protocols. One of the major updates in the new doctrine is the addition of Running Skill (Pose Method) in FM 7-22 (Chapter 7).
Running Skill training is now available on demand, forcewide, through the Army IgnitED program. Individual Soldiers can watch Pose Method running skill training videos online, and take an exam to become a certified instructor (technical certification, promotion points).
The Pose Method of Running courses have been used by the military since 2008 and on October 1, 2020 the Pose Method became the method for the running skill program and drills published in the updated US Army Holistic Health And Fitness Field Manual (FM 7-22) and Holistic Health And Fitness Drills And Exercises Army Techniques Publications (ATP 7-22.02).
The Pose Method of Running training course and the Certified Running Technique Specialist credential are aligned with the Soldier Common Core (MOS) and P5 Master Fitness Trainer (ASI).
The 2 Mile Run is part of the physical fitness evaluation, and is commonly failed not due to a lack of trying, but lack of skill. The Pose Method running skill training addresses that point by providing a running standard and instructions on how to learn and how to teach it.
Training Course
Developed by an Olympic Coach, the material in this training can be immediately used, scaled and seamlessly integrated into any training routine or as a stand alone running training. The course includes theory and practice, and provides full sets of technique drills, exercises and follow-along routines. It also offers guidance for running in combat boots and rucking.
Easily customizable, it works well for personal, 1-on-1 and group training.
Questions? Contact us for assistance.
Certification Exam
When completed successfully, this certification exam will lead you to the Certified Running Technique Specialist (Pose Method) credential. This international credential empowers its holders to teach running skill (technique) at the highest level. The certification exam is a way to assess the knowledge of running skill and the grasp on the methodology to practice personally, teach running skill to others, conduct video analysis, provide competent immediate feedback and instructions.
Questions? Contact us for assistance.
Click on “DOWNLOAD GUIDE” to download a .PDF file with step by step instructions on how to request Credentialing Assistance for Pose Method Running Skill Training and Certified Running Technique Specialist credential exam on the new ArmyIgnitED platform.
CREDENTIALING ASSISTANCE: ArmyIgnitED provides credentialing assistance to empower you to achieve your goals. Click here to learn how to receive funding for the Pose Method Running Skill training course and Certified Running Technique Specialist credential.
CREDENTIALING ASSISTANCE: ArmyIgnitED provides credentialing assistance to empower you to achieve your goals. Click here to learn how to receive funding for the Pose Method Running Skill training course and Certified Running Technique Specialist credential.
Military Service Obligation
Service Obligation (Enlisted): None
Service Obligation (Commissioned Officers): None
The service obligation for the CA program has been removed. This applies to all CA requests submitted and/or completed on or after 13 October 2021. CA request end date in ArmyIgnitED must reflect a date of 13 October 2021 or after.
CA requests completed prior to 13 October 2021 must still complete the applicable service obligation incurred at that time; Regular Army, AGR, and mobilized commissioned officers (under Title 10 or Title 32 authority) incur an Additional Duty Service Obligation (ADSO) of two years and Reserve Component officers (USAR and ARNG) incur a Reserve Duty Service Obligation (RDSO) of four years. The CA military service obligation commences on the ending date of each course for which CA was approved.
To learn more, read the complete Memorandum: Updates to Army Credentialing Assistance Policy
Promotion Points
Certification Exam = 10 promotion points
In a continuing effort to improve the enlisted promotion system, the Army G1 has approved the initiative to award promotion points for certifications to Soldiers competing for promotion to Sergeant and Staff Sergeant. Click here to read more.
How Promotion Points are Awarded
Covered by GI Bill
The Certification Exam that leads to the Certified Running Technique Specialist credential is covered by the GI Bill
How to Access Training Course
Access requires CA approval.
How to Access Certification Exam
Access requires CA approval.
GI BILL®: The GI Bill covers more than just tuition. You can use part of your entitlement to cover the cost of the Certification Exam you need to take to become a Certified Running Technique Specialist (Pose Method).
GI BILL®: The GI Bill covers more than just tuition. You can use part of your entitlement to cover the cost of the Certification Exam you need to take to become a Certified Running Technique Specialist (Pose Method).